Marin Odd Fellows Welcome You
Marin Odd Fellows

About Odd Fellowship

To the Uninitiated

A Unique Institution

Friendship Love Truth

More on FLT

Initiation Fulfills

Truth in Jest

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True-Hearted Fellows

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Make becoming an Odd Fellow be that step in your life: You won't regret it!
Marin Lodge No. 200,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Marin Lodge No. 200, IOOF
1525 Mission Street
San Rafael, CA 94901

(415) 459-5710

P.O. Box 150104
San Rafael, CA 94915

Lodge Officers
Noble Grand - Brian Deason
Vice Grand - Cliff Parker
Secretary - Terry Nitch
Financial Secretary -
Treasurer -

Lodge Meetings
The Lodge's regular business meeting is held on the first Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m. Those interested in learning more about the Odd Fellows are invited to come at 7:00 for the social hour and meet the members. Odd Fellows are invited to stay for the meeting.

Important Information and Disclaimers
Marin Lodge No. 200, IOOF, owes allegiance to the Grand Lodge of California and the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the United States.

All opinions expressed within this web-site are those of the respective authors alone and do not represent Marin Lodge No. 200's views or policies, nor those of the Grand Lodge or Sovereign Grand Lodge.

Neither the members, Lodge, Grand Lodge, nor Sovereign Grand Lodge endorse or have any control over any of the advertising that might appear on this site. All advertising and/or pop ups are entirely under the control of the free server that provides free access for this site.

American Founders of Odd Fellowship
Thomas Wildey, considered the founder. His associates included John Welch, John Duncan, John Cheatham, and Richard Rushworth.

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